Gracie Barra Instructors Certification Program ICP6 Revisited Survey One minute of your time will go a long way here. Your answer to three quick questions will fine tune the ICP6 Revisited and make sure it targets the major challenges you deal with as an instructor.Thank you again for your time! OK Question Title * 1. Which Gracie Barra Leaders would you like to see on the ICP6 Revisited FB Lives? Carlos Alberto Liberi Marcio Feitosa Marco Joca - “Piu-Piu" Vinicius “Draculino" Philippe Della Monica Roberto “Tusssa” Alencar Jefferson Moura Others OK Question Title * 2. Would you like the ICP6 Revisited to bring you a new course on how to create a competition team at your GB School? Yes No OK Question Title * 3. Would you like the ICP6 Revisited to bring relevant information about Jiu-Jitsu Entrepreneurship and information on opening a GB School? Yes No OK DONE