Hello, and thank you for taking the time to answer a few short questions regarding your experience with your child's Learner Led Conference (called LLC below).

Please focus your responses for one child. If you have more than one learner attending an iLEAD school/learning studio, at the end of this survey please use the original link to open a new survey and fill out for additional child. Please choose the selection that bests fits your family's learner led conference experience.

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* 3. Please rate your experience scheduling your child's LLC appointment.

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* 4. Thinking of your expectations and prior understanding of the LLC process, please rate how consistent your child's LLC was to those expectations and understandings.

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* 5. Considering the information your child shared with you at their LLC please rate your experience during your child's LLC appointment.

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* 6. iLEAD Schools values your feedback when it comes to our programs. We strive to reflect on and grow in any areas that may need improvement. Please add any additional comments you may have regarding Learner Led Conferences. Thank you