11a. better understand what makes a relationship healthy?
11b. look for information and resources about dating violence (for example, websites, social media, hotlines, organizations, etc.)?
11c. resist or say no to someone you are dating or going out with if they pressured you to participate in sexual acts, such as kissing, touching private parts, or sexual intercourse?
11d. talk to a friend if someone you are dating or going out with makes you uncomfortable, hurts me, or pressures you to do things you don't want to do?
11e. talk to a trusted adult (for example, a family member, teacher, counselor, coach, etc.) if someone you are dating or going out with makes you uncomfortable, hurts you, or pressures me you do things you don't want to do?
11f. talk to a trusted adult if someone other than the person you are dating or going out with makes you feel uncomfortable, hurts you, or pressures you to do things you don't want to do?