Holliston Hazard Mitigation Public Outreach Survey #1

1.In your opinion, what are the top three hazards that affect Holliston?
2.Do you feel well informed about the hazards that affect Holliston?
3.In your household, have you done any of the following preparedness activities? (Please check all that apply):
4.Would you attend disaster-related educational courses if any were offered, such as personal preparedness?
5.What types of supplemental insurance do you have? Please check all that apply:
6.Would you be interested in volunteering for a disaster response team, such as a Community Emergency Response Team?
7.Resources to mitigate disasters can be limited. The Town must prioritize when funding mitigation projects. Please indicate your priorities in regards to disaster and hazard mitigation:
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not at All Important
Protect private property
Protect Critical Infrastructure (fire stations, transportation networks, hospitals, etc)
Prevent development in hazard-prone areas
Protect/enhance natural features to aid in mitigation (wetlands, streams, salmon spawning grounds, wildlife habitat)
Protect historic and cultural landmarks
Strengthen emergency services (police, fire, etc)
Promote cooperation among public agencies, citizens, non-profit organizations, and businesses
Develop a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Protect and reduce damage to utilities
Improve alert and warning for impending disasters
8.If there is any other input you would like to provide, please use the space below.