Hiring Challenges for Employers in Construction Industry

We want to get to the root of how to bring more workers from diverse backgrounds into the construction industry and are examining barriers or challenges to entry.

Your input and opinions on hiring challenges and solutions will help improve the OHBA Job Ready program.

Thanks in advance for your support.
1.What area of Ontario do you work in?
2.In a typical construction season, approximately how many entry-level employees do you need at your job site?   
3.What kinds of challenges are you facing in hiring entry-level workers? Select all that may apply.
4.Is access to transportation a barrier to hire new employees at your worksite
5.Do you offer any types of transportation support to your employees? Select all that may apply.
6.We’re looking for ways to remove barriers for job seekers to enter the construction industry. What ideas might help job seekers with transportation, especially if they don’t have a vehicle or driver’s license? 
7.Are you familiar with the OHBA Job Ready program?
8.Are you a current employer in the OHBA Job Ready program?
9.What would help you with retention and hiring?  Select all that may apply.
10.There are some factors within the control of managers and the organization to increase the retention of their workforce. Which one of the following do you practice? Select all that may apply.
11.Do you currently partner with any local community organizations to hire entry-level workers?  (e.g. workforce transition programs, colleges with pre-trades training, immigrant-serving organizations, etc.)
12.What is the name of the organization/s who has helped you in hiring entry-level workers? 
Thank you for your participation and providing your valuable input to improve the Job Ready program.