Governor's ESSA Team


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* 1. Please indicate the role group(s) that you represent:

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* 2. Please share any additional input for "A Glimpse of the Future"

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* 3. Please share any additional input for "The current state of public education in Hawaii"

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* 4. Please any additional input for "From Vision to Action"

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* 6. ACTION:  What specific action(s) needs to take place immediately (within the next year or two) in order to make this “vision focus area” a reality? 




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* 7. Can this already take place in a single classroom?

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* 8. Can this already take place throughout a school?

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* 9. Can this already take place throughout the Hawaii DOE system?

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* 10. Is there a present (or past)  program, practice, or policy that is already in place, but, requires better execution or implementation?

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* 11. Does this require a new policy or a change in present policy? (state law, BOE policy, DOE rule/regulation, school policy, other)

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* 12. Can this action(s)  be part of a school accountability system (school report card) to support and encourage this desired as a desired practice?

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* 13. Please indicate your level of agreement:   
I support the vision, purpose, and rationale of the shared draft outline of the education blueprint.

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* 14. Overall, how would you rate the community forum in terms of how meaningful and useful it was for you?

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* 15. Provide any additional input, feedback, suggestion that you may have.

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* 16. Provide any question or inquiry that you would like more information on.   If you would like a response, please include your email address or phone number.

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50% of survey complete.