Valentine’s Main Street is slated for a long-awaited, comprehensive remodel in 2021. We want to hear YOUR ideas for building an economically strong, aesthetically pleasing, safe, and culturally vibrant Main Street! Please take a few minutes of your time to share your thoughts.

Valentine has been chosen by the Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design™ to host a series of community design workshops on October 9-11. Please provide your email (at end of survey) and we’ll send more details soon!

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* 1. When was the last time you visited downtown?

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* 2. What was the primary reason for that visit? (The thing that motivated you to make the trip)

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* 3. What three words come to mind when you think about downtown Valentine? (just ONE word per line, please)

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* 4. What would you like the first impression of Valentine to be?

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* 5. What do you think is working well in downtown Valentine?

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* 6. What isn't working particularly well?

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* 7. If you could wave a magic wand, what three improvements would you like to see downtown? (Please be concise.)

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* 8. What have you seen in other downtowns that you would like to see in Valentine?

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* 9. What new businesses would you like to see on Main Street?

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* 10. As you think about possible changes to Main Street, what concerns or questions come to mind?

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* 11. Do you own a business in Valentine? (If no, please skip to Question 14.)

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* 12. If so, is the business on Main Street?

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* 13. Would you participate or support a business-owner-driven Main Street organization to strengthen downtown business?

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* 14. The CIRD community design workshop will begin with a kickoff visioning event from 5:30-8:00pm on October 8, with open house events all day on October 9-10. See "postcard" image (below) for schedule of main meetings. A full schedule of events and opportunities for public participation will be published in the next few weeks.

Do you plan to attend the kickoff event on October 8? (All meetings at 272 N. Main Street.)

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* 15. Would you like to be notified of the CIRD workshop schedule? If so, please provide an email address.

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* 16. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

Thank you!

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