Dear Griffith HDR Graduate,

We have embarked on an unprecedented project seeking to reconnect with all of our Higher Degree Research (HDR) graduates.

We want to ensure that the research training provided at Griffith effectively equips graduates with the skills and resources needed for their future careers.

We also want to provide prospective HDR candidates with accurate information about career pathways achieved by HDR alumni. As a result, understanding career pathways taken by HDR graduates like you is valuable to us.

A few minutes of your time to assist us with this project is greatly appreciated.

Professor Sue Berners-Price                                               
Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School

Professor Ned Pankhurst
Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor

Thank you gift
As a thank you for completing the short survey below you will receive a complimentary one year digital subscription to Griffith Review (‘Australia’s leading literary journal.’ Monocle). That’s four free quarterly editions, valued at $60. 

GU Ethics Reference Number 2017/114

Question Title

To start we need to remember you!
Your details when you graduated from Griffith University
Thank you for providing the following demographic information.
This information will be stored by the Development and Alumni Office at Griffith, and will be used to help us find and update your existing student record.

Question Title

* First Name (at graduation)

Question Title

* Last Name (at graduation)

Question Title

* Student Number (S number, if you can remember it!)

Question Title

* Date of birth


Question Title

* Qualification type (e.g. PhD, MRes)

Question Title

* Who was your primary supervisor?

Question Title

* Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage?

Question Title

* How old were you when you completed your HDR qualification?

6% of survey complete.