The U.S. Haitian Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of a comprehensive Haitian Business Survey on August 15th, targeting Haitian businesses across Florida, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Pennsylvania. This survey aims to identify the unique challenges and issues faced by Haitian businesses in these states, providing valuable insights to help shape supportive policies and initiatives.

Why This Matters
Immigrant small businesses play a significant role in the economic development of the United States. Despite their contributions, many immigrant entrepreneurs face unique challenges that hinder their success compared to their non-immigrant counterparts. By understanding these challenges, we can better support Haitian businesses and enhance their growth and success.

Survey Details
The survey will track trends and identify the issues and challenges specific to Haitian businesses in the targeted states. The results will be instrumental for the Chamber, local governments, and policymakers to understand the current state of Haitian small businesses and to prioritize policies that best serve the community.

Who Should Participate:
Haitian-owned small businesses (defined as companies with fewer than 500 employees and majority foreign-born ownership of 51% or more).

Time Commitment:
The survey should take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete.
Anonymity: All responses are anonymous.

Incentives for Participation
Participants who complete the survey by September 15, 2024, and provide their name and email address will be entered into a drawing to win one of the following prizes:

  • A $500 Gift Card.
  • Ten hours of free business consultations.

The results of the survey will be announced in September. This will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the findings and their implications for Haitian businesses.

Contact Information
For any questions regarding the survey, please email

Thank you for participating and supporting the Haitian business community.