Reid State Technical College Graduating Student Survey

Please help us to evaluate our educational programs and services. As a student who has completed the requirements for one of our diploma/certificate/degrees, you are in the best position to provide us with information we can use to improve your college.
Questions preceded by an * are required questions. Thank You!

Question Title

* 1. What is your name (first, middle, last)?

Question Title

* 2. What is your street address?

Question Title

* 3. What is your city?

Question Title

* 4. What is your state?

Question Title

* 5. What is your zip code?

Question Title

* 6. Indicate your age range:

Question Title

* 7. Indicate your marital status:

Question Title

* 8. What is your sex?

Question Title

* 9. Student Identification Number (if known):

Question Title

* 10. Year you began your diploma/certificate/degree program:

Question Title

* 11. Did you transfer credits from another college toward your diploma/certificate/degree?

Question Title

* 12. Are you currently employed in a job related to your diploma/certificate/degree?

Question Title

* 13. Plans after completing your degree: (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 14. If you are planning to continue your education, what is your ultimate goal? (MARK ONLY ONE)

Question Title

* 15. Current employment status:

Question Title

* 16. Name, Address, Phone Number of Employer (if not employed enter N/A).

Question Title

* 17. During most of the semester you attended were you employed:

Question Title

* 18. While attending, did you take most of your courses:

Question Title

* 19. Did you receive financial assistance (Scholarship, Student Loan, Pell Grant, Work-Study, VA Benefits) while attending?

Question Title

* 20. What is your major?

Question Title

* 21. How much help did your experience at this college give you in reaching each of the specific goals below? (MARK THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER)

  Helpful Not Much Help Not a Goal
To obtain a job
To prepare for a new career
To improve present job skills
To increase my salary and/or chance promotion

Question Title

* 22. How much help did your experience at this college give you in reaching each of the specified goals below? (MARK THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER)

  Helpful Not Much Help Not a Goal
To enrich my life
To improve interpersonal and leadership skills
To participate in campus activities
To improve self-confidence

Question Title

* 23. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Overall impression of the college
Overall quality of instruction
Accessibility of instructors
Individual attention from instructors
Preparation for employment

Question Title

* 24. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Courses in your major
Availability of needed courses
Convenience of course times
Overall effectiveness in meeting community needs
Overall effectiveness of college publications/advertisements

Question Title

* 25. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Student Success Services
Admissions Office / Services
Registrar Office / Services
Registration / Services
Freshman Orientation

Question Title

* 26. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Job interview skills and preparation
Job placement / Services
Financial Aid Office / Services
Personal counseling and guidance
Career development counseling

Question Title

* 27. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Academic advising by faculty
Learning Resources (books, periodicals, videos, computers)
Library / Services
Student Activities
Campus Security services/personnel

Question Title

* 28. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Bookstore / Services
Student Center
Business Office / Services
Student plan
Dean of Students Services

Question Title

* 29. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
Dean of Instruction
Director of Workforce Development
Assistant Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Recruitment Office / Services

Question Title

* 30. Evaluate each of the following areas by marking the appropriate rating. If you did not use or experience the service being rated, please mark "Unable to rate/Did not use service."

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Unable to Rate/Did not use service
President's Office
Publication of the class schedule (Clear? Readable? Timely?)
College Catalog (Clear? Readable? Timely?)
Overall college facilities/grounds

Question Title

* 32. Would you recommend this college to others?