Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey and for your support of the Greenway BID. If you have any questions, please contact your property manager or

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* 1. Please enter your name:

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* 3. What is your role?

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* 4. How often do you generally visit the Rose Kennedy Greenway?

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* 5. When do you generally visit The Greenway? Please check all that apply.

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* 6. Why do you generally visit The Greenway? Please check all that apply.

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* 8. In 2021 the Greenway BID sponsored 50+ new programs and additional amenities (chairs, tables) through the (re)Discover The Greenway series to help activate the downtown core as workers and tourists return to Boston. How interested are you in wanting the BID more of these types of events (music, movies, lion dances, etc.) funded by the BID?

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* 9. As the BID considers how to best leverage capital enhancement dollars, please rank your interest in the BID pursuing the following expenditures from 1-6 (1=very interested, 6=not very interested).

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* 10. How interested are you in The Greenway overall? (e.g., programming, activities, and general park preservation and upkeep)

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* 11. What type of enhancement(s) do you feel would improve The Greenway as an important and valued public space for Bostonians and visitors? (Feel free to add any additional details, such as a potential location/space for the enhancement.)

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* 12. How, if it all, has your relationship to The Greenway changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic?