This survey is conducted by tpb strategic council.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What community organizations or activities are you involved with?

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* 3. What is your role/position with the organization?

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* 4. Do you wish to receive the report summarizing the findings of this consultation?

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* 5. Does Salt Spring Island have sufficient facilities for the performing arts, amateur sport/recreation, and other public event usage?

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* 6. Would additional facilities be beneficial for the performing arts, sport/ recreation, and other public uses?

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* 7. Would a multi-purpose facility, new or repurposing existing facilities serve this need?

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* 8. Is a central location on Salt Spring Island a factor in you and/or your child’s use of a multi-purpose facility?

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* 9. Is an investment of up to $10 million for a multi-purpose facility reasonable for Salt Spring Island?

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* 10. IF a multi-purpose facility were developed, would an investment in public funding (government grants, tax dollars) be acceptable?

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* 11. Would the public provide philanthropic, naming or sponsorship support to develop a multi-purpose facility?

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* 12. Are you willing/able to contribute to the facility development costs for a new or adapted facility that better suit your needs?

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* 13. If yes to question 7, could you estimate how much you or your organization might contribute?

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* 14. If developed, who should own the multi-purpose facility?

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* 15. What is the preferred governance model for overseeing the use of the facility?

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* 16. If developed, who should operate the multi-purpose facility?

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* 17. Who do you believe will be key to the success of securing the funds required for the multi-purpose facility? (Names of Public Champions)

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* 18. From which individuals, foundations, companies, and government do you believe the top financial commitments might come?

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* 19. Do you think that you (or your organization) would also be willing to support the annual costs of programs, services, and operations of a multi-purpose facility?

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* 20. Would you be willing to help with the fundraising, planning and development of the multi-purpose facility?

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* 21. Do you have any other comments or suggestions? (What else should be considered before moving forward with fundraising, planning, and constructing a multi-purpose facility?)