Many of the scriptures we use on the local level to legitimize requests for tithes and offerings were, in their original context, purely missional, not self-benefiting. Instead of being concerned with the welfare of their own congregations, much of the Early Church’s financial offerings were to partner and assist other churches outside of their own geographic or demographic context. Acts 11 is an example of this and the first time the church was intentionally missional in giving.

The GO RURAL initiative is the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network’s strategy to be intentionally kingdom-minded by strengthening and expanding our Gospel presence in rural communities within Colorado and Utah. One of the ways we do this is to ask all our churches to make a modest pledge to a District fund that will help rural churches.  This fund then makes micro-grants to Rural Churches in the following ten categories:
  • Outreach grant to do outreach to the community like VBS, cowboy kids camp, sports camp, BBQ, community pantry, and other outreaches focused on the unchurched
  • Community event grant to help finance community events sponsored by their community leadership
  • Beautification grant for financing modest beautification initiatives at the church
  • Technology grant to help rural churches replace church-owned technology (computers, website, sound, and media equipment)
  • Vacation grant ($300 grant) to help a rural pastor get away on vacation
  • Collaborative grant to organize a coalition of evangelical ministries in community problem-solving
  • Live worship grant to help enrich the worship experience on Sunday morning
  • Sabbatical grant to supplement expenses for those who have served over 7 years 
  • Micro-church grant to start Bible studies in communities where we do not have churches
  • Training grant to those who complete the rural missionary training

Would you please join us by filling out this online monthly pledge form and making a modest contribution to this fund? We will be sure to share stories and celebrate wins. 
“I am among you as one who serves.” Luke 22:27
Gene Roncone
Rocky Mountain Ministry Network
District Superintendent/Network Pastor (aka “helper”)