The Go Rural Investment Fund was created by the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network to provide grants to rural pastors holding an AG credential and AG churches in Colorado and Utah. The fund provides grants ($500-$2,000) as funds are avaiable in one of the following ten categories:
  1. Outreach grant. A grant for an outreach to their own rural community. This might include things like VBS, cowboy kids camp, sports camp, BBQ, community picnic, food pantry, advertising or other outreaches that have a focused plan to reach the non-churched. It may also be used to invite and fund youth groups from other Network churches to help as a home missions venture. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the initiative, how it will facilitate outreach, the total budget, and how it will benefit the local church.
  2. Community event grant. A grant to sponsor or co-sponsor a community event that is meaningful to the community. Examples of this could be a “Fair Week,” “Rodeo week,” music event, water sports week, Mega Sports Camp or even an existing community event that the church would like to sponsor. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the initiative, how it will facilitate outreach, the total budget, and how it will benefit the local church.
  3. Beautification grant. A grant to help rural churches with a modest beautification update to help improve curb appeal, guest experience, and visibility in the community. Examples of this may be a new sign, coffee cart, painting the church, repairing steps, updating a bathroom, or other visual improvements. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the initiative, how it will facilitate outreach, the total budget, and how it will benefit the local church.
  4. Technology grant. A grant to help rural churches replace church-owned computers, improve online ministry, website, live streaming or purchase video, sound, and media equipment stored and used on church property. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the need, the total budget, and how it will benefit the local church.
  5. Vacation grant. A grant to help a rural pastor get away for rest or for the church to pay an honorarium for a guest speaker so the pastor can get away without having to prepare a sermon while on vacation. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the need, when the pastor’s last vacation or away trip took place, where they are going, and how it will benefit the pastor and/or family.
  6. Collaborative grant. A grant to organize a coalition of evangelical ministries in a city or town to engage in community problem solving. Examples of this might be starting a community food pantry, mental health initiative, veteran care, family welfare, clean-up initiative or other collaborative effort. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the initiative, how it will facilitate community problem solving, the total budget, and how it will benefit the local church or community.
  7. Live worship grant. A grant to help provide a small honorarium to pay worship leaders or musicians. This would be no more than $100 a month for twelve months not to exceed $1,200. The grant will require a brief written plan describing the initiative, how it will facilitate worship, the total budget, and how it will benefit and enhance the morning worship service.
  8. Sabbatical grant. Sabbaticals can refresh a rural pastor, provide hope, and sustain longevity. Rural pastors serving as the lead pastor at the same church for at least seven years and who have not taken a sabbatical in that amount of time can apply for a sabbatical subsidy. The applicant must also submit a written plan, present a letter of support from the board or advisory board, and a church committed to matching or adding to the gran