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Goal 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,accountable and inclusive institutions at all level)
Taking this Survey:
On behalf of Organization
Email ID
Less than 30
Above 30
Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Gilgit Baltistan
Islamabad (ICT)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Please assess goal 16 on following indicators
Strategies, Action Plans and Budgets
Strategies action plans have been dropped or fundamentally changed (-5)
The action plans of the strategies not only have not been implemented, but could be abandoned or fundamentally changed (-4)
Action plans and strategies have not been implemented or funded (-3)
Strategies, action plans and budget are available, but have only been partially implemented or funded (-2)
Strategies, plans and budgets are available, but do not seem to guide policy or budget formulation (-1)
No progress (0)
Strategies, action plans and budget under discussion (+1)
Strategies action plans and budget in the planning phase (+2)
Strategies, action plans and budget approved (+3)
Strategies, action plans and budget agreed and begin to guide public policy development (+4)
Successful strategies, action plans and budgets guide and provide stable funding to public policies, which are fully aligned with the SDGs (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Public policies and legal frameworks
The implementation of the policy/legal framework has been abandoned or fundamentally changed (-5)
Not only have regulatory/legal frameworks not been implemented, but could be abandoned or fundamentally changed (-4)
The legal/political framework has not yet been implemented (-3)
The policy/legal framework is available, but has not yet started to be implemented and/or is not aligned with the principles of the SDGs (-2)
Policy and legal framework not yet in place (-1)
No progress (0)
Policy and legal framework is starting to be discussed/ reviewed (+1)
Policy and legal framework in planning phase (+2)
Policy and legal framework approved and beginning to be implemented (+3)
Policy and legal framework being implemented and having first positive results (+4)
Strong and successful political/legal framework guiding government programs effectively and in line with SDG principles (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Institutional support
Government agencies do not provide any type of support for the implementation of this SDG (-5)
Government support has dropped dramatically (-4)
Government support on the ground has begun to dwindle (-3)
Government support is fragmented between territories and agencies (-2)
Statistical indicators show that progress on this SDG is starting to slip back (-1)
No progress (0)
Agencies with a clear mandate (+1)
Agencies planning their engagement (+2)
Agencies support the implementation of some targets (+3)
Agencies support the implementation of all the targets (+4)
Government agencies support the implementation of the SDGs effectively and have mechanisms for cross-sectoral integration of public policies (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Implementation at national level
Statistical indicators show that this SDG has completely receded (-5)
Statistical indicators show that the implementation of this SDG has eroded considerably (-4)
Statistical indicators show that the implementation of this SDG is beginning to erode (-3)
Statistical indicators show that progress on this SDG is under threat (-2)
Statistical indicators show that progress on this SDG is starting to slip back (-1)
No progress (0)
Statistical indicators show that progress on this SDG is minimal (+1)
Statistical indicators show that progress on this SDG is moderate (+2)
Statistical indicators show that progress shows a positive trend on this SDG (+3)
Statistical indicators show that this SDG is on track to be achieved (+4)
Statistical indicators show that this SDG is being achieved (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Implementation at sub-national level
No SDG localization plan in any city/region being implemented (-5)
SDG localization plans are abandoned or fundamentally changed (-4)
The localization of the SDGs has been reduced (-3)
Localization plans for the SDGs have not been implemented (-2)
SDG localization plans weren't even discussed (-1)
No progress (0)
Localization under discussion in cities/regions (+1)
Localization of the SDGs in the planning phase in certain cities/regions (+2)
Localization plans start to be implemented in cities/regions (+3)
Implementation of localization plans in full swing in cities/regions (+4)
Location plans successfully implemented in most cities/regions with specific plans (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework
The monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework is not in place at all (-5)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting have been abandoned or fundamentally changed (-4)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting have been reduced (-3)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting were discussed, but not built (-2)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting exist but have been implemented only to a limited extent (-1)
No progress (0)
Mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and reporting are discussed (+1)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting mechanism agreed (+2)
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting begins to be implemented (+3)
Ongoing monitoring, evaluation and reporting on all of the on-going SDGs sporadically (+4)
Regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting is available and civil society can participate (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Transparency and accountability
Transparency and accountability mechanisms have been abandoned (-5)
Transparency and accountability mechanisms are mostly abandoned and/or incomplete (-4)
Transparency and accountability mechanisms have been reduced (-3)
Transparency and accountability mechanisms have not been fully implemented (-2)
Transparency and accountability mechanisms were discussed, but not implemented (-1)
No progress (0)
Transparency and accountability mechanisms under discussion (+1)
Initial planning of the transparency and accountability mechanism (+2)
Some transparency and accountability mechanisms available (+3)
Transparency and accountability mechanism being implemented (+4)
Solid and regular transparency and accountability mechanism (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Public awareness and capacity building
Awareness raising and capacity building not included in plans (-5)
Awareness raising and capacity building have not fundamentally changed (-4)
Awareness raising and capacity building have been reduced (-3)
Awareness raising and capacity building have not been implemented (-2)
Awareness raising and capacity building have been implemented in a selective or limited way (-1)
No progress (0)
Awareness raising and capacity building needs assessed and discussed (+1)
Planning awareness raising and capacity building needs (+2)
Awareness raising and capacity building available (+3)
Ongoing awareness raising and capacity building activities (+4)
Strong awareness and capacity building available (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Multi-stakeholder partnerships
Multi-stakeholder partnerships have been abandoned (-5)
Partnerships were used in a very partial and non-participatory way (-4)
Partnerships have not been used consistently for this SDG (-3)
Partnerships are very slow in their deployment (-2)
Partnerships with Member States were discussed but not implemented (-1)
No progress (0)
Multi-stakeholder partnerships under discussion (+1)
Partnerships mainly in the planning phase (+2)
Partnerships in the initial phase of implementation (+3)
Partnerships in working order and producing concrete and positive effects (+4)
Partnerships implemented successfully and in a participatory manner (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Participation of civil society
Participation is non-existent (-5)
Participation was very limited and ineffective (-4)
Participation was limited and had limited results (consultative participation at best) (-3)
Participation was uneven between actors and territories (-2)
Spaces and mechanisms for participation were discussed, but still not implemented (-1)
No progress (0)
Spaces and mechanisms for participation were discussed (+1)
There are concrete plans for inclusive and substantive participation spaces/mechanisms (+2)
Spaces/mechanisms for participation are set up in an open, substantial and inclusive manner (+3)
An inclusive dialogue is underway and has yielded positive results policy-wise (+4)
Spaces/mechanisms for inclusive political dialogue are strong, stable, influential, with concrete and positive political results (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Impact of COVID19 pandemic outbreak on SDGs:
COVID19 had significantly affected the human lives, economy and developmental course of actions, halted usual life of masses (-5)
COVID 19 had affected the human lives, created economic stress and completely locked down the society at large (-4)
COVID 19 had somehow created human and economic stress and locked down the society partially (-3)
COVID 19 had somehow created human and economic stress and there was a partial lock down in the society therefore implementation on SDGs was severely affected (-2)
COVID 19 pandemic outbreak had negligible impact on human lives and its course of development but zero /no effort was made towards the achievement of SDGs (-1)
No progress (0)
In spite of challenges due to COVID19 pandemic outbreak limited policy and strategy level actions are taken to achieve targets /SDGs (+1)
Preliminary efforts to achieve some of the targets were made in spite of COVID 19 Pandemic outbreak (+2)
There was little impact of COVID19 on governance functions and developmental course of actions towards the achievement of SDGs (+3)
There was no significant impact of COVID19 on human lives and some policy and practice level changes occurred to achieve SDGs (+4)
There was no impact of COVID19 at all on usual human lives. Significant policy and practice level changes occurred to achieve SDGs (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Availability of reliable / gender dis-aggregated data at local, sub-national and national level
Reliable and gender disaggregated data is not available against any of the target / indicator at national/subnational /local level (-5)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is not available against all the official priority targets /indicators at national / subnational /local level (-4)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is not available against some of the official priority targets /indicators at national / subnational /local level (-3)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is not available against some of the official priority targets and indicators at national level (-2)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is not available against all official priority targets and indicators at national level (-1)
No progress (0)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is available against some of the official priority targets and indicators at national level only (+1)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is available against official priority targets and indicators at national level only (+2)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is available against all targets and indicators at national level only (+3)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is available against official priority targets and indicators at national / subnational and local level (+4)
Reliable / gender disaggregated data is available against all targets and indicators at national / subnational and local level (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Inclusive and meaningful engagement / participation of citizens towards the implementation of SDGs
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are not meaningfully engaged in any of the developmental program / project to achieve SDGs (-5)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are not engaged in any of the developmental program / project to achieve SDGs (-4)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are not engaged in most of the developmental program / project to achieve SDGs (-3)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are not engaged in some of the developmental program / project to achieve SDGs (-2)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are neglected in most of developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (-1)
No progress (0)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are somehow neglected in some of developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (+1)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are somehow engaged in some of the developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (+2)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children somehow engaged in all type of developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (+3)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are engaged in all type of developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (+4)
People from all walks of life including PLWDs, women, elderly, transgender, youth and children are meaningfully engaged in all type of developmental programs / projects to achieve SDGs (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Progress since last VNR
No progress against any of the target / indicator has been noticed since last VNR 2019 (-5)
No progress against most of the target / indicator has been noticed since last VNR 2019 (-4)
No progress against any of the official priority target / indicator has been noticed since last VNR 2019 (-3)
No progress against most of the official priority target / indicator has been noticed since last VNR 2019 (-2)
No progress against some of the official priority target / indicator has been noticed since last VNR 2019 (-1)
No progress (0)
Some progress against some of the official priority targets / indicators of SDGs has been witnessed since the last VNR in 2019 (+1)
Progress against official priority targets / indicators of SDGs has been witnessed since the last VNR in 2019 (+2)
Some progress against all targets / indicators of SDGs has been witnessed since the last VNR in 2019 (+3)
Progress against all targets / indicators of SDGs has been witnessed since the last VNR in 2019 (+4)
Significant progress against all targets / indicators of SDGs has been witnessed since the last VNR in 2019 (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Actions/ delivery by CSOs / NGOs / INGOs to achieve related targets /indicators
No action / delivery of CSOs/NGOs/INGOs to achieve related targets / indicators has been witnessed anywhere in Pakistan (-5)
No action / delivery of CSOs/NGOs/INGOs to achieve related targets / indicators has been witnessed in many areas of Pakistan (-4)
Some of the INGOs/NGOs/ CBOs have aligned their priorities with those of national SDGs priorities but no delivery /contribution has yet been made (-3)
Most of the INGOs/NGOs/ CBOs have aligned their priorities with those of national SDGs priorities but no delivery /contribution has yet been made (-2)
INGOs/NGOs/ CBOs have somehow aligned their priorities with those of national SDGs priorities but no delivery /contribution has yet been made (-1)
No progress (0)
Some contribution has been made by civil society / NGOs / INGOs / CBOs against some official priority targets/ indicators to achieve SDGs in Pakistan (+1)
Significant contribution has been made by civil society / NGOs / INGOs / CBOs against some official priority targets/ indicators to achieve SDGs in Pakistan (+2)
Significant contribution has been made by civil society / NGOs / INGOs / CBOs against all official priority targets/ indicators to achieve SDGs in Pakistan (+3)
Significant contribution has been made by civil society / NGOs / INGOs / CBOs against some targets/ indicators to achieve SDGs in Pakistan (+4)
Significant contribution has been made by civil society / NGOs / INGOs / CBOs against all targets/ indicators to achieve SDGs in Pakistan (+5)
Assessment / Comments
Planetary boundaries (climate change and loss of biodiversity)
Challenges related to climate change and loss of biodiversity have been aggravated further during the last five years (-5)
No affirmative actions are taken to address climate change challenges and loss of biodiversity(-4)
Challenges related to climate change and loss of biodiversity are being neglected at all level(-3)
No policy measures to adapt climate changes and address loss of biodiversity are taken(-2)
Partial policy measures to adapt climate changes and address loss of biodiversity are taken but implementation is yet to start (-1)
No progress (0)
Appropriate policy measures to adapt climate changes and address loss of biodiversity are taken but implementation is yet to start(+1)
Appropriate policy measures to adapt climate changes and address loss of biodiversity are taken but implementation process started(+2)
Issues related to climate change and loss of biodiversity are somehow addressed in Pakistan by taking appropriate policy and structural measures(+3)
Issues related to climate change and loss of biodiversity are being addressed in Pakistan by taking appropriate policy and structural measures(+4)
Issues related to climate change and loss of biodiversity are being addressed significantly in Pakistan by taking affirmative policy and structural measures(+5)
Assessment / Comments