Exit this survey >> Summer 2019 Survey Question Title * 1. Overall, how would you rate your camp experience? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Question Title * 2. How likely is it that you would recommend Glisson to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 3. Please help us understand why you selected the answer above: Question Title * 4. Did this camper do any of these things for the first time, or to a more significant degree than previously? (check all that apply) Spent time in prayer Read from the Bible Led a group in prayer Led a group in Bible study or devotional Accepted Christ Shared faith with another person Discerned a call to ministry Made an important faith decision Led a group activity Learned more about the life and teachings of Jesus None of the above Question Title * 5. My camper... (check all that apply) ...felt safe at camp. ...felt loved at camp. ...felt accepted as part of his or her living group. ...grew closer to God at camp. Question Title * 6. What was the highlight of this camper's week? Question Title * 7. Any concerns or situations we should know about to improve camp for future summers? Question Title * 8. When did this camper attend camp? Week 1: May 26-31 Week 2: June 2-7 (includes Cumberland Island) Week 3: June 9-14 Week 4: June 16-21 (includes Boundary Waters & Frontier 10-Day) Week 5: June 23-28 (includes Mini Camp & Frontier 10-Day) Week 6: June 30 - July 5 Week 7: July 7-12 (includes Pack & Paddle) Week 8: July 14-19 (includes Frontier 10-Day) Week 9: July 21-26 Question Title * 9. Which program? Village Sparrowwood Outpost If Outpost Frontier (rising 7-9) or Expedition (rising 10-12) please list which trip (kayaking, climbing, etc) Question Title * 10. How many summers has this camper attended Glisson? 1 (first-time camper) 2 to 4 5 or more Question Title * 11. How did you hear about Glisson? (check all that apply) Attended Grow Day Camps Attended a retreat or event at Glisson Publicized at church event From a friend Facebook ad or post Alumni camper / family members have gone to Glisson Found the website online Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. May we contact you for clarification or further info? This is optional, but very helpful to our staff. Completing the info below gives us permission to contact you. Camper Name Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Phone Parent/Guardian Email Done >>