Bring Girl FWD to Your School!

Girl FWD, Movemeant’s confidence coaching and wellness curriculum for middle and high school girls, aims to equip girls with the tools, mindset, and community necessary to transform their health, both physically and mentally, in today's digital landscape. We're empowering girls to explore the incredible potential of their bodies and establish a strong, positive relationship with themselves.

We understand the importance of addressing various aspects of a girl's development, including resilience, conflict resolution, processing difficult emotions, self-care, and leadership. We create an environment for girls to casually and intimately discuss and learn about these topics while participating in unique and engaging dance workouts. Through our Girl FWD curriculum, we're determined to provide young girls with the knowledge and skills to build their inner strength, confidence, and resilience.

Bring Movemeant's Girl FWD program to your school by applying below!
GIrl FWD is intended for middle and high school girls. "Girls” refers to gender expansive youth: cis girls, trans girls, non-binary youth, gender non-conforming youth, gender queer youth and any girl-identified youth.
1.School Name(Required.)
2.Street Address(Required.)
4.ZIP Code(Required.)
6.Percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunch(Required.)
Please fill out all of your information as the person submitting the application for this specific school.
7.Applicant First Name(Required.)
8.Applicant Last Name(Required.)
9.Applicant's Email Address(Required.)
10.Reason for wanting the Girl FWD program to be implemented in your school?(Required.)
11.Applicant Relationship to School(Required.)
Please complete this information for the best person to reach out with at the school you are recommending.
12.Site Contact First Name(Required.)
13.Site Contact Last Name(Required.)
14.Site Contact Email Address(Required.)
15.Site Contact Phone Number(Required.)
16.Site Contact Title/Position(Required.)
17.To successfully implement the Girl FWD program at your school, we need your assistance in identifying a suitable facilitator. This could be a teacher, administrator, local fitness instructor, or any school staff member who is passionate about supporting students. We will collaborate with you to ensure they’re well-prepared to lead the program.

All facilitators are required to complete our Movemeant Coach Training to effectively deliver the curriculum and provide strong support to participants. Each session includes a 20-30 minute movement component, and while we recommend high-energy activities like dance, Zumba, or kickboxing, facilitators are welcome to choose any type of movement they prefer. It’s essential that the facilitator is comfortable leading this portion or can identify someone else on campus to assist.

Do you have a specific individual in mind who could serve as the facilitator? If so, please share their name and role
18.How many students do you hope to enroll in this program?(Required.)
19.Do you have a safe and private space available on campus that can accommodate up to 20 girls for movement and dance activities during lunchtime or after school? Suitable spaces could include a gym, classroom, or other open area.(Required.)
20.Do you have sound equipment available to play music during the movement portion of the sessions? Portable speakers are usually sufficient.(Required.)
21.How did you learn about Movemeant and Girl FWD?(Required.)
22.Is there anything else you'd like to share? Please add any additional comments or questions here.