The Girl FWD Club empowers you to create and lead your own local Girl FWD experience. We provide all the essential tools and training needed to establish an in-person Girl FWD club within your community. This option is perfect for those looking to make a direct impact on girls locally, offering a flexible and community-focused approach to the Girl FWD program.

As a club leader, you'll facilitate sessions similar to those in the Girl FWD for Schools program, but adapted to the specific needs and dynamics of your local group. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the details figured out just yet—our Movemeant team will collaborate with you to ensure the successful implementation and execution of the program.

Apply below, and a member of our Movemeant team will reach out with more information and schedule a call to discuss the next steps. We look forward to working with you to bring Girl FWD to your community!

Note: Club leaders must be over 18 years old.

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* 1. First Name:

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* 2. Last Name:

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* 3. Email Address:

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* 4. Street Address:

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* 5. City

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* 6. ZIP Code

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* 7. Country

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* 8. What motivated you to apply to start a Girl FWD Club in your community?

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* 9. What are your main goals for starting a Girl FWD Club in your community?

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* 10. Do you have any previous experience working with youth or leading community programs? If yes, please describe.

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* 11. What relevant skills or qualifications do you have that would support your role as a Girl FWD Club leader?

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* 12. You’ll need a safe space to host your Girl FWD Club sessions. We recommend using a volunteered or free space that can comfortably accommodate 8-30 girls for movement and physical activities. Suitable options include workout facilities, yoga studios, classrooms, school gyms, or other open outdoor areas (with an indoor backup in case of weather changes). Please note that permits may be required for public outdoor spaces.

Where do you plan to host your Girl FWD Club sessions? Do you have any specific locations in mind, such as a community center, school, or local gym? If you’re still exploring options, feel free to share your ideas!

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* 13. Do you have sound equipment available to play music during the movement portion of the sessions? Portable speakers are usually sufficient.

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* 14. How many girls do you expect or hope to participate in your Girl FWD Club? Please note that we require a minimum of 8 girls for the club to run effectively.

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* 15. Do you have a plan for recruiting and engaging participants?

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* 16. What is your proposed schedule for the club (e.g., ideal start date, frequency of sessions, duration of each session)?

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* 17. What resources or support do you already have available to help run the Girl FWD Club (e.g., venue, equipment, volunteers)? Are there any additional resources or support you need to successfully start and maintain the club?

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* 18. Is there anything else you’d like to share about your vision for the Girl FWD Club or any specific ideas you have for the program?

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* 19. How did you learn about Movemeant and Girl FWD?

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* 20. Is there anything else you'd like to share? Please add any additional comments or questions here.