Empowering Middle & High School Girls Nationwide with Confidence Coaching

In today’s digital world, many girls face challenges like isolation. That's why Movemeant Foundation is excited to introduce Girl FWD — a virtual group coaching course designed to build confidence and resilience in middle school girls nationwide.

What Girl FWD Offers:
  1. Group Coaching: Weekly 1-hour virtual sessions led by accredited Movemeant coaches. Girls can join with friends or classmates!
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: Access to a digital curriculum covering 12 essential topics such as confidence, resilience, emotional intelligence, and leadership.
  3. Wellness Practices: Activities include breathwork, journaling, movement, and mindfulness, aimed at enhancing mental and emotional well-being.
  4. Community Support: A supportive digital space where girls uplift each other through open dialogues and meaningful connections.

Enroll your daughter in our Winter Girl FWD Cohort by completing the application below and providing your preferred time and day. We’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule.

Don’t miss out — apply today!

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* 1. Applicant's Full Name

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* 2. Applicant's Email Address

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* 3. Applicant's Grade Level

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* 4. Applicant's Date of Birth


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* 5. Parent/Guardian Full Name

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* 6. Parent/Guardian Email Address

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* 7. Parent/Guardian Phone Number

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* 8. Current Address

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* 9. Is the applicant able to commit to participating in the full 14-week Girl FWD Cohort, which consists of 14 weekly group coaching sessions?

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* 10. Household size:

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* 11. Annual Household Income*
Total gross annual income for your entire household (pre-tax and deductions):

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* 12. How many income sources make up your annual income?

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* 13. Parent/Guardian Employment Information:

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* 14. Has the applicant previously applied for and/or received a grant from Movemeant Foundation?

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* 15. Is the applicant currently receiving or has received financial support from other grant sources or gifting programs in the past 24 months?

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* 16. What motivates the applicant to apply for Movemeant's Girl FWD program?

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* 17. Tell us more about the applicant! What activities does she enjoy doing in her free time? Are there any sports, arts, or creative pursuits that she's passionate about? Does she have any unique talents or skills that she'd like to share? Feel free to share anything you feel comfortable with that could be useful for our Movemeant coaches to ensure she has the best experience and support.

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* 18. What health and wellness brands or products do you use most often or find most interesting? This includes skincare, apparel, sneakers, and hair products. We aim to align with brands our girls love and offer special promotions and opportunities tailored to their preferences.

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* 19. Where did you learn about our Girl FWD program?

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* 20. Encourage your daughter and her friends to join Girl FWD together! This program offers a supportive environment where they can boost confidence and empower each other. When choosing your session day/time, pick the same group session (more on that later). For now, write down the names of the friends you want to be in the same group with below.

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* 21. Below, you'll find important details regarding ongoing sessions and special guest dates.

Ongoing Group Session Times: Choose one session day and time for your daughter to attend for twelve virtual coaching sessions. Options include Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Sundays. Once you select a group, it's a commitment for the duration of the course.

Alongside the twelve sessions, your daughter will participate in two special guest sessions with all enrolled girls. These sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th, at 8:00 PM CT (Program Kickoff) and Wednesday, October 16th, at 8:00 PM CT (Mid-Program Session). You will automatically be added to these two sessions.

Pick one ongoing group session day and time from the three options below. Once you commit to a time, you must stick to it throughout the entire program.