Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions that will help us shape the future of our C++ SDK! The survey should take less than 3 minutes to complete and is comprised of roughly 10 questions.
Our team is exploring the possibility of releasing new libraries that are built on top of libraries from our Rust SDK. We are keen to understand your thoughts and feelings about this potential change, especially regarding the dependency on Rust.

If you have any questions on the Azure SDK, connect with us on GitHub at or message us on X @AzureSDK. You can also contact us at

Question Title

* 1. How many years of experience do you have with C++ development?

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* 2. How recently have you worked with external library dependencies in a C++ project?

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* 3. How do you typically add external library dependencies to your C++ projects? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. How familiar are you with the Rust Programing language?

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* 5. How comfortable are you with using C++ libraries that internally use other programming languages?

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* 6. Do you believe that Rust libraries can improve the performance and safety of C++ applications? Why or why not?

Participation requires transferring your data to other countries in which Microsoft operates, including the United States. By submitting this form, you agree to the transfer of your data outside your country. For more information, visit Microsoft Privacy & Cookies.

Question Title

* 7. What concerns do you have about using C++ libraries that are built on Rust libraries, even if you don't need to manage the interop layer? (Select all that apply)

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* 8. How likely are you to adopt C++ libraries built on Rust libraries in your future projects, given that you don't need to handle the interop layer?

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* 9. How do you think using C++ libraries built on Rust libraries might affect your development process?

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* 10. Do you have any additional comments or feedback regarding the use of C++ libraries built on Rust libraries?