Every day, 9 people are killed and 44 are seriously injured on Florida’s roadways. Each death and serious injury represents a friend or loved one…this is not acceptable.

Transportation and demographic trends, modal shifts and development patterns can lead to challenges with roadway safety. However, we are committed to eliminating fatalities and serious injuries on the transportation system.​
​The Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) will guide how we get there but it will take fresh ideas and a renewed commitment by all of us!
Please help us by sharing your thoughts on how we can all do more to get to ZERO.

Question Title

* 1. Of the contributing factors and crash circumstances most common in Florida, which THREE cause you the most concern for reaching the goal of ZERO?

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* 2. What ideas do you have for addressing these concerns, particularly in the context of eliminating fatalities and serious injuries?

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* 3. Please help us identify potential solutions to Florida’s traffic safety challenges by sharing your ideas on how we can improve safety in the following areas:

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* 4. Are you commenting as:

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* 5. [OPTIONAL] Name or Organization

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* 6. [OPTIONAL] What Florida city do you live in?