Survey to understand gambling and its impact on communities in Southampton


Thank you for completing this survey that Options Wellbeing Trust and The Saints Foundation are running.  The survey focused on issues around gambling and how it impacts on you/others.  All responses are anonymous and will help us with identify a need for support services and how they can be delivered effectively to meet those needs in Southampton.
There are 12 questions and we are grateful for all your feedback.
1.How do you identify your gender?
2.Please tell your age
3.Please tell us what best describes you ethnic background?
4.Please tell us the first part of your post code
5.Would you identify yourself as having a problem with gambling?
6.Would you identify yourself as being affected by someone elses gambling behaviours?
7.Have you ever accessed support for problem gambling?
8.Have you ever accessed support as someone affected by someone elses gambling behaviours?
9.If you haven't accessed any help or support, what stopped you?
10.Are there any constraints to you accessing any help and support if you wanted to? such as:
11.What kind of help or support would you find useful if you did want to access a service now?
12.If you do gamble regularly, how did it start?