1. Gainesville City Schools: Staff Survey 2012

Because we are determined to lead all children to success, we must concentrate on continuous improvement in the schools and school system. Your constructive responses to the statements below will enable us to focus on areas of need and build on our strengths. All responses will be anonymous. Thank you for participating in the critical improvement process.

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* 1. Please select length of employment with Gainesville City Schools:

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* 2. Please identify the school where you currently work.

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* 3. Please select your position:

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* 4. Our written curriculum documents (e.g., maps and units) are aligned to appropriate standards and are used to guide instruction. (C-1.1)

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* 5. Our curriculum has been aligned horizontally and vertically in order to support students' mastery of the appropriate standards. (C-1.2)

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* 6. Our curriculum maps and units are designed to ensure all students participate in a curriculum that requires depth of understanding and rigor. (C-1.3)

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* 7. We meet regularly to collaborate on the design and implementation of the curriculum. (C-2.1,2.2)

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* 8. Our teachers have a shared understanding of what students are expected to know, do and understand at all grade levels and in all subject areas. (C-2.1,2.2)

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* 9. Our teachers analyze student work collaboratively to build consensus for a common understanding of proficiency and rigor. (C-2.1,3.2)

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* 10. Administrators and teacher leaders monitor and evaluate implementation of the curriculum through a consistent and systematic school-wide process. (C-3.1)

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* 11. Performance data and the review of student work are used to revise curriculum implementation and to align resources. (C-3.2)

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* 12. General comments on Curriculum:

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* 13. An organizing framework (e.g., Opening/Activating Strategy, Teaching/Student Work time, Summarizing/Sharing Work) that aligns curriculum, assessment, and instruction is utilized to plan quality teaching and learning. (I-1.1)

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* 14. Learning goals are explicitly communicated to our students. (I-1.3)

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* 15. Teachers use a variety of research-based instructional strategies (e.g., compare/contrast, summarizing, and higher-order questioning, and advanced organizers). (I-2.1)

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* 16. Teachers emphasize and encourage learners to use higher-order thinking skills (e.g., compare, contrast, classify), processes (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making) and mental habits of the mind (e.g., critical thinking, creative thinking). (I-2.2)

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* 17. Differentiated instruction, adjustment of content, product, process and/or learning environment, is provided to support students according to their instructional needs. (I-2.3)

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* 18. Teachers utilize flexible grouping based on ongoing diagnosis and formative assessment to enhance student learning. (I-2.5)

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* 19. Systematic and data-driven interventions are required for our students who need additional assistance to master standards. (I-2.6)

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* 20. Technology is effectively used to maximize student learning. (I-2.7)

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* 21. General comments on Instruction:

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* 22. Our teachers agree on the types of assignments to give as homework and the amount of homework to give.

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* 23. We use a comprehensive system for assessing student progress toward meeting the appropriate standards.

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* 24. Teachers collaborate to design assessments aligned to the appropriate standards. (A-1.3)

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* 25. Collaboration on data analysis guides and informs grade-level and school-wide decision-making. (A-2.3)

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* 26. Assessment data is used to plan and adjust for instruction for each student, subgroup of students and the school as a whole. (A-3.1)

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* 27. General comments on Assessment:

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* 28. Our school improvement plan is created and revised with staff input. (PO-2.1)

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* 29. Our administrators and the school leadership team monitor the implementation of the school improvement plan and its impact upon student achievement. (PO-2.3)

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* 30. Human, technological, and material resources are effectively selected and used to ensure the academic success of all learners. (PO-3.2)

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* 31. A safe learning environment is planned, implemented, and maintained by our school staff and administrators. (PO-4.1)

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* 32. Instructional time is maximized, and no interruptions occur to detract from time on learning. (PO-4.2)

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* 33. Our school facility is adequately maintained, clean, and conducive for teaching and learning. (PO-4.3)

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* 34. General comments on Planning/Organization:

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* 35. Opportunities for communication exist in both directions between the home and school. (SFC-1.1)

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* 36. Parents feel welcome in our school. (SFC-1.4)

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* 37. Opportunities exist for parents and community members to participate in school governance, decision-making and problem-solving. (SFC-2.1)

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* 38. School and community partnerships exist to provide a network of support for our students.(SFC-3.1,3.2)

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* 39. General comments on Student, Family, and Community Support:

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* 40. Teachers and administrators participate in job-embedded professional learning and collaboration addressing curriculum, assessment, instruction, and technology (e.g. developing lesson plans, examining student work, monitoring student progress). (PL-1.1,1.5)

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* 41. The principal and other school leaders set clear expectations and monitor the effectiveness of professional learning on teacher practices and student learning. (PL-1.2,2.2,2.5)

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* 42. The principal and other leaders plan professional learning by utilizing data (student learning, demographic, perception, and process). (PL-2.7)

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* 43. Teachers and administrators have the knowledge and skills (e.g., group decision-making strategies, stages of group development, setting norms, using protocols) necessary to collaborate. (PL-3.2)

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* 44. Our teachers participate in professional learning to deepen their content knowledge. (PL-3.2)

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* 45. General comments on Professional Learning:

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* 46. Our principal and school administrators exhibit a deep understanding of curriculum, assessment and instruction.(L-1.1)

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* 47. Our principal and school administrators keep the school focused on student learning and promote sustained and continuous improvement. (L-1.3

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* 48. Our principal and school administrators maximize the availability and distribution of instructional resources (human, material and technology) focused on school learning goals.(L-2.2)

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* 49. Our principal and other school administrators are visible to staff, students, and parents and participate in subject and/or grade level meetings.(L-2.3)

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* 50. Our principal and administrators collaborate with staff members and other stakeholders to elicit input and provide opportunities for shared decision-making and problem-solving. (L-3.1)

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* 51. Staff members have opportunities to serve in a variety of leadership roles. (L-3.2)

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* 52. Our school uses external resources (e.g., Central Office, RESA, GLRS, Universities, ETTC, GaDOE) to support school improvement initiatives. (L-3.3)

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* 53. Our school has a fully operational leadership team (school improvement team, design team, etc.) that is representative of our entire staff. The team conducts regular, results-driven meetings and exists to address student achievement and overall academic success. (L-4.1)

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* 54. Our leadership team uses an on-going, data-driven decision-making process to identify student achievement and organizational productivity needs.(L-4.3)

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* 55. General comments on Leadership:

Our school provides support to promote the academic achievement of all learners. (Examples of support: counseling, academic advisements, transitional experiences). (SC-1.1)

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* 56. Our school supports and enhances the social and emotional growth and development of all learners. (Examples of support: advisement, mentoring, coaching, shadowing, counseling services). (SC-1.2,1.2)

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* 57. School policies, practices, and experiences promote respect for individual differences. (SC-2.1)

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* 58. Our school celebrates the achievements and accomplishments of our students, staff and school community.(SC-2.2)

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* 59. Our school culture reflects an atmosphere of trust and openness among all stakeholders. (SC-2.4)

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* 60. General comments on School Culture:

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* 61. If any, which group(s) of students in your school (or system if you work in the central office) is (are) not performing to your expectations?

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* 62. Are there one or more academic content areas in which targeted professional learning for teachers would increase student achievement?

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* 63. Please put in ranking order the areas of professional learning would have the greatest positive impact on student achievement:

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Accommodating all learners
Assessing student achievement
Classroom management
Technology for teachers
Differentiated instructional strategies
Interpreting and using data
Effective teaching practices
Parent and community involvement
Pyramid of intervention
Working effectively with paraprofessionals/volunteers
Standards-based classrooms
Co-teaching and inclusion training
Pedagogical enhancement not needed

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* 64. Professional learning in which of the following areas would most enhance your skills as a school (or system) leader?

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* 65. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being unimportant and 5 being very important, please rate the importance of each of the following factors for retention of effective school (system) leaders:

  1 - Being Unimportant 2 3 4 5 - Being Very Important No answer
Adequate building level administrative personnel
Central office (school board) support
Comprehensive induction program for new administrators
Continuous relevant professional learning
Effective mentoring program for new administrators
Increased building level program funding
Other (Specify)

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* 66. Please provide any additional comments: