Forests Asia Summit Survey 1. Question Title * 1. Which days did you attend the Forests Asia Summit? May 5 May 6 May 5 and May 6 Question Title * 2. Which of the following best describes your institutional affiliation? Academic or research institution (including students) Corporate/private sector Government Intergovernmental organization Non-governmental organization Media Development organization Community Organization Think Tank Faith-based organization Other (please specify) Question Title * Please state your name (Last name, first name) Question Title * 3. How would you rate the Forests Asia Summit overall? Very Successful Successful Neutral Unsuccessful Not Successful at all Very Successful Successful Neutral Unsuccessful Not Successful at all Question Title * 4. How did you learn about the Forests Asia Summit? CIFOR Newsletter Advertisements in Kompas Advertisements in Jakarta Globe, Suara Pembaruan &/or Investor Daily Advertisements on Green Radio Global Initiatives Newsletter Ministry of Forestry Newsletter World / Indonesian Business Council for Sustainable Development Newsletter IISD Listserve (for ecample climate-l, land-l etc.) Facebook Twitter Forests Asia website Poster Postcard Flyer Through a friend/colleague Personal invitation by coordinators Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which components of the Forests Asia Summit were most valuable for you? Please choose 3. First Day Opening Plenary Opening plenary discussion panel: Green Growth in Southeast Asia Lunchtime learning events Discussion Forums Special Youth Session Second Day Opening Plenary Opening plenary discussion panel: Plenary discussion panel: Collaborative approaches to resolving sustainability challenges Thematic High-level Panel discussions Landscapes issues marketplace Keynote speeches The role of the private sector in delivering green growth Closing Summary: Mini-dialogue on commitments to research, investment and continued multi-stakeholder dialogue No component was useful to me Question Title * 6. Why were these sessions helpful (select all applicable reasons): Introduced new knowledge Deepened my knowledge Fruitful discussions Identified new research priorities Discovered funding / investment opportunities Opportunities for continued partnerships and dialogue General networking None of the sessions was helpful Please elaborate Question Title * 7. Which components or aspects of the Summit could be improved (please elaborate): Question Title * 8. Which of the Summit themes was most interesting for you? Governance and legal frameworks to promote sustainable investments Investing in landscapes for green returns Climate change and low emissions development on the ground Forest landscapes for food and biodiversity Changing communities, sustainable landscapes and equitable development None of the themes was interesting Question Title * 9. Why was this particular theme the most interesting? – Please elaborate Question Title * 10. Have you attended Forests Indonesia (2011), the Global Landscapes Forum (2013, on the sidelines of UNFCCC COP19) or any of the previous Forest Days held alongside UNFCCC Conferences of Parties? 2013 Global Landscapes Forum Forests Indonesia (2011) Any past Forest Day None Question Title * 11. Are you planning to attend the UNFCCC COP20 in Lima, Peru? Yes No Have not decided yet Question Title * 12. How familiar were you with the concept of sustainable landscapes before attending the Forests Asia Summit? – on a scale from 1-5; 5 being very familiar, one not familiar at all 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar Question Title * 13. How well do you feel informed about concepts of sustainable landscapes after attending the Forests Asia Summit? 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar Question Title * 14. How familiar were you with the concepts of green growth and green economy before attending the Forests Asia Summit? – on a scale from 1-5; 5 being very familiar, one not familiar at all 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar Question Title * 15. How well do you feel informed about green growth and green economy approaches after attending the Forests Asia Summit? 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar 1. Not Familiar at all 2. Mostly unfamiliar 3. Somewhat familiar 4. Familiar 5. Very Familiar Question Title * 16. What is the key message you took from the Forests Asia Summit?: Question Title * 17. What do you intend to do with this new knowledge? (it is possible to choose more than one option) share it research it apply it Question Title * 18. Which questions are still open and what would need to be clarified / addressed better in upcoming events? Question Title * 19. Do you have a comment for the organizers? Done