1. Flexible Work Entitlements

Last year, the NSW Public Service Commission commenced consultation with unions in relation to a sector wide strategy on flexible work. In September 2016 the PSA surveyed members in relation to flexible work practices. The PSA recognises how important flexible work practices are to members, and we thank all who responded. The responses formed the basis of the PSA’s submission to the NSW Public Service commission on flexible work. The Public Service Commission has now issued a discussion paper and asked for further input from the PSA. As such, we are seeking additional feedback from members.

Please note, all responses you provided will be kept confidential and you will not be identified in anyway without your prior approval.

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* 1. Which of the following flexible work options are you aware of?

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* 2. Are you aware that you are able to request flexible work?

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* 3. Have you ever tried to request a flexible work arrangement?