Welcome to the Los Monitos FLEXGROUPS Language Learning Community! FLEXGROUPS means no more published schedules to sort through, trying to decide if it fits your schedule or requiring you to alter your schedule to make it work.  Instead, you give us your open days and times (that's the FLEX part) and we'll try to form a class around your availability! When we get enough people to form a group, your FLEXGROUP will start! Please give us more information about yourself, schedule, level of proficiency and objectives. Thank you!

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* 1. Please give us your contact information

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* 2. What age category are you in?

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* 3. How did you hear about Los Monitos? (mark all that apply)

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* 5. Please choose all available class times that would work with your schedule:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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* 7. Please check all options and preferences that apply:

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* 8. Our Language Learning Groups run on a month by month basis for $99 per month.  (75 minute sessions, 1X per week, 48 weeks per year.)  Missed classes will be applied to future months at $20 credit per class (1 credit per month, while continuously enrolled).

If you want an additional 5% discount on your monthly group fee,  go ahead and complete your PREFERRED payment method below.  You will not be charged until a Group Formed Confirmation E-mail is sent and you confirm attendance.

You may cancel future monthly charges up to a week before next charge.  

Credit Card Payments

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* 9. Bank Draft Payments

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* 10. Status (FOR LM STAFF ONLY)