The Ministry Site Profile (MSP) is intended to gather information from the members of First Lutheran Church that helps describe our church congregation. This will help a potential candidate for the position of Lead Pastor know if their skills and talents meet the needs of First Lutheran Church. The questions asked on the survey follow the format of questions included in the ELCA Ministry Site Profile form. Please prayerfully take your time completing the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Top Five Ministry Tasks
(Please pick the five most critical tasks required in this position.)

Question Title

* 2. For the gifts of ministry below, choose, at most, 5 that you view as being essential and, at most, 5 that you view as very helpful for the position. (Please pick, at most, five of each.)

  Essential Very Helpful
Help people develop their spiritual life.
Help people understand and act upon issues of social justice.
Provide care and nurture.
Be effective in working with children.
Build a sense of community among the people with whom he/she works.
Help others develop their leadership abilities and skills for ministry.
Be an effective administrator.
Be an effective communicator.
Be an effective teacher.
Encourage support of the Church's wider mission.
Work regularly in the development of stewardship growth.
Be active in ecumenical relationships.
Be effective in working with youth.
Organize people for community action.
Be skilled in planning and leading programs.
Have a strong commitment and loyalty to the Lutheran Church.
Understand and interpret the mission of the Church from a global perspective.
Bring joy and good humor to relationships.
Be able to share leadership and work in a team.
Be creative and innovative about his or her tasks.
Be able to use technology and media.

Question Title

* 3. Which is most like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 4. Which is most like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 5. Which is more like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 6. Which is more like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 7. Which is more like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 8. Which is more like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 9. Which is more like First Lutheran:

Question Title

* 10. Please list the five primary areas of activity or focus that you wish your newly-called rostered leader to give special attention to during the first year of his or her ministry at this congregation.

Question Title

* 11. Please list the five ways our congregation will support and encourage the rostered leader during the first year in order to help her or him accomplish these responsibilities.