Topics should be appropriate for an audience of federal cybersecurity and privacy educators. Recommendations for topics:
  • Practical Applications of Training
  • Adopting New Technologies
  • Metrics: Measuring Beyond Compliance Requirements
  • “Wildcard” (Please suggest your own cybersecurity topic)
Submissions for proposals are accepted year-round. Presentations are typically 20-40 minutes. A panel discussion is typically 40-55 minutes.

*Required Field

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Affiliation

Question Title

* 3. Title of Presentation

Question Title

* 4. Type of Presentation

Question Title

* 5. Topic

Question Title

* 6. If you select Panel Discussion, please list panelist names:

Question Title

* 7. Synopsis (100-250 words to be used by the planning committee and in the online program)

Question Title

* 8. Level of Presentation

If you have any questions about FISSEA, please contact the committee at