Have your say – Fire & Rescue Plan consultation 2024 - 2028

This is an opportunity for anyone who lives, works or visits Staffordshire to have a say on the proposed priorities in the Fire & Rescue Plan 2024-2028.

The plan is a strategic document that sets out the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner's vision and priorities for keeping people safe in Staffordshire.

The plan is the basis on which the Commissioner holds the Chief Fire Officer to account in terms of performance and works with community organisations to keep Staffordshire safe.

Have your say. We will collate all the responses from the consultation anonymously and use them to inform the plan priorities.
Thank you for taking part.

If you would like to receive updates about the work of the Commissioner, please sign up to our Staffordshire Smart Alerts.

Question Title

* 1. To achieve this, the Commissioner has set out 3 key priorities for Staffordshire Fire & Rescue.

Please indicate how important you think each of the 3 plan priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
An outstanding Fire & Rescue service

Question Title

* 2. Priority 1 - An outstanding Fire & Rescue service
Ensure your local Fire & Rescue service continues to be accessible and responsive to changing demands so that risk is appropriately and proportionally managed, community and firefighter safety remains paramount and high levels of public confidence and trust in the service are maintained.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Ensure the right resources are in the right place at the right time to respond to fires and other emergencies
Work with other areas to ensure a joint response to incidents regionally and nationally
Understand and respond to the concerns of rural communities
Drive further collaboration with Police to deliver effective services that provide value for money
Robustly tackle unacceptable behaviour by firefighters and staff
Increase the diversity of the workforce to better reflect our communities

Question Title

* 3. Priority 2- Preventing
Deliver effective and targeted prevention work that provides early help to individuals, families and communities so that we keep people safe from fires, road traffic collisions and other incidents, they feel safer and there is less pressure on fire response services.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Target Safe & Well checks at those most at risk of fire in the home
Ensure services are targeted towards people and places most at risk
Divert children away from harm and help them make informed, safe choices
Work with health so people get support to reduce the risk of fire in the home, eg mental health, drug and alcohol support

Question Title

* 4. Priority 3 - Protecting
Protect people, premises and the environment through the right balance of education, advice and support and the use of regulatory and enforcement powers to keep people safe.

Please indicate how important you think each of these priorities are.

  Very Important Fairly important Not very important Not at all important
Recruit and retain specialist staff to assess high-risk premises
Work with other emergency services to develop their approach to managing incidents where multiple services attend
Work jointly towards reducing road casualties that have devastating consequences for families
Prepare for disruption including adverse weather, public health crises, transport incidents and terrorist attacks
Engage with partners, planners and developers to deliver high fire safety standards in new buildings
Encourage volunteers and community engagement e.g. Community Speed Watch and Safe+Sound education programme
Ensure premises and events prepare for and are protected from terrorist attack

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything else you would like to see included in the Fire & Rescue Plan?