Hi there! Thank you so much for your help! We'd love it if you will take a brief minute to answer the question below.
We will use your questions to develop comprehensive responses that'll be included in our three videos and to put the finishing touches on our long awaited "Feedback That Works Formula" tool, to be released in mid January. 
Thanks so much, and have a great holiday. Marsha Egan, CSP, CPCU, PCC.

Question Title

* 1. What is your most important challenge/question about how to give constructive feedback that really works?

Question Title

* 2. Want updates?
Please note! To receive updates, three helpful videos on giving constructive feedback, and advance notice about this January release, please don't assume we have your email address. You can click here to fill out a web form or (easier) sign up for our monthly newsletter here or at http://www.marshaegan.com/resources/success-boosters-newsletter/. Thank you!

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