Fairness Commissions Report: Feedback Survey We’d like to hear from you about how you found the report. Question Title * 1. Please indicate from the following list, which sector you are part of (please tick one): Local Authority NHS Higher Education Other public sector Charity Trade Union Other civil society organisation Private sector Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which section(s) in this report did you find MOST useful? What is a Fairness Commission? (How to hold a commission, advantages, challenges) Which approaches generated the most progress? (4 effective approaches to reducing inequality and poverty) What more can be achieved? (3 further approaches) Which achievements could galvanise national action? (Recommendations to national government, issues that could inspire national change) None Question Title * 3. Which section(s) in this report did you find LEAST useful? What is a Fairness Commission? (How to hold a commission, advantages, challenges) Which approaches generated the most progress? (4 effective approaches to reducing inequality and poverty) What more can be achieved? (3 further approaches) Which achievements could galvanise national action? (Recommendations to national government, issues that could inspire national change) None Question Title * 4. Will you use ideas, examples or information from this report in own work? Yes No (If yes, please explain how below) Question Title * 5. Any other comments? Question Title * 6. Name and affiliation (optional) Question Title * 7. Email address (optional) Done