Bishops Synod 2015: Priest Responses |
The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests (AUSCP) is administering this survey to compile priests' input to next October's Synod on the Family. Pope Francis has invited broad consultation. The General Secretariat of the Synod of the Bishops has invited input as response to “46 Questions,” drawn from last fall's Extraordinary Synod.
In Phase I, more than 300 AUSCP members responded to the 46 questions. In Phase II, we seek input from a broader number of priests in good standing, AUSCP member or not.
AUSCP Leadership will send a delegation to Rome, with the survey results, near the April 15, 2015, deadline set by the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. Copies will be given shortly afterward to the U.S. Delegates to the October 2015 Synod.
PLEASE RESPOND to the survey BY MARCH 15, 2015, so we can meet this ambitious timetable.
Need clarification?
Email us here: or phone Sr. Jackie: 872-205-5862.
Or send an email to, or phone Fr. Bernie at 724-850-1616.
START THE SURVEY HERE by identifying yourself. Then click Next to review the SURVEY FORMAT.
Note that individual answers and comments will NOT be made public without your express permission.