Tutor/Volunteer Feedback

1.Enter your name (may also put down 'anonymous' if desired)
2.Overall, how would you rate your volunteer experience with Ethos Literacy?
Not bad
3.How much of an impact do you feel your volunteer work has?
4.How useful are the volunteer training sessions at our organization?
5.Do you feel you were given the tools, training, and support you needed?
6.Do you feel comfortable sharing your input or suggestions with us?
7.How appreciated has your supervisor made you feel?
8.How easy is it to get along with our staff?
9.How likely are you to continue volunteering with our organization in the future?
10.Would you recommend this organization, either to volunteer or get tutored, to a friend or family member?
11.In a typical month, about how many hours do you volunteer?
12.If you have anything else to add, please do so here:
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered