We would like to invite you to participate in a new ESGO survey.

Our aim is to assess HPV vaccination recommendations practices among clinicians managing patients with gynaecologic cancer.

The estimated completion time is 10 minutes. Your input in obtaining the results is very important and we are very grateful for your help.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary. If you choose to participate, your responses will be kept confidential. The information collected during this survey will be used for research purposes. Only the research team and authorized personnel will have access to the data. Data will be stored securely and will be retained until the publication of the anonymized data analysis in a peer-reviewed journal.
By proceeding with the survey, you indicate that you have read the information provided, understood the purpose and procedures, and voluntarily agree to participate. You may print a copy of this consent form for your records.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please contact the ESGO Office https://esgo.org/contact adminoffice@esgo.org
For data protection reasons, we ask you not to include personal data in the open text fields (with the exception of your optional contact information at the end of the survey).
We apprieciate every shared answer and point of view. Thank you very much for your help in data collection on this important topic.

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* 1. Years of clinical experience after completing medical degree:

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* 2. Years of clinical experience in the management of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer:

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* 3. Level of education

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* 4. Gender

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* 5. Age

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* 7. Places of work (please choose all eligible answers):

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* 8. Are you certified for cervical dysplasia, colposcopy and cervical pathology management by any national or international society for gynaecology or oncology?

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* 9. Do you work in an ESGO accredited centre for training?

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* 10. Which of the following options describes best the current HPV vaccination status in your country?

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* 11. During the management of patient with cervical (pre-)cancer, in which steps of the process do you actively participate? (you can select more than one answer)

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* 12. Number of new patients with a primary gynaecological malignancy treated in your centre in 2023:

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* 13. How often do you discuss cervical cancer screening when a patient consults you for uterine cervix disease?

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* 14. How often do you discuss cervical cancer screening when a patient consults you for other conditions than uterine cervix disease?

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* 17. What do you think is the most appropriate timing for the first dose of HPV vaccine administration in patients diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (who previously did not receive HPV vaccine)?

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* 18. What do you think is the most appropriate timing for the first dose of HPV vaccine administration in patients diagnosed with cervical cancer (who previously did not receive HPV vaccine)?

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* 19. Do you recommend HPV vaccinations to women who work as healthcare professionals and previously did not receive HPV vaccine?

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* 20. As a gynaecologist, have you already been vaccinated against HPV yourself?

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* 21. Do you discuss with your patients about the HPV vaccination recommendations for their adolescent children?

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* 22. Where do you seek additional knowledge regarding current HPV vaccinations recommendations? (you can select more than one answer)

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* 23. What could be the potential barriers discouraging the recommendation of HPV vaccination during routine oncological care? (Please choose up to 3 most relevant barriers)

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* 24. What could be the ways of encouraging more widespread HPV vaccination recommendations? (Please choose up to 3 best solutions)

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* 25. Would you like to suggest further research topics about prevention of HPV related disease?