Podcast #19 Evaluation Questions
Long COVID – Part 2 of 2, A Pulmonologist’s Long COVID Journey
What is your satisfaction with how well this podcast episode covered the content description and objectives
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Select all that apply to this podcast episode
I learned something new
It reinforced what I already knew
I will make a change in my behavior based on information that was shared
Content was interesting
Content was relevant to my needs
Speakers were engaging
The episode
provide information I found useful - Please explain in comment box below
Other (please specify)
Following this podcast episode, how will you act to change your practice? Check all that apply.
Implement new information or skills into my practice.
Seek additional information to improve my practice.
Offer COVID vaccines/boosters to my patients.
Tailor COVID vaccine conversations to specific populations (e.g., pregnant/nursing patients, teens, parents and infants)
Do nothing, as my practice reflects recommendations based on this activity.
Do nothing, system barriers prevent me from making changes in my practice.
Other (please specify)
How likely are you to listen to another episode of Beyond the Needle?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
How likely are you to recommend this podcasts episode to a colleague or friend?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
How did you hear about this podcast episode? Select any that apply.
Listened to previous episode(s) of Beyond the Needle
IAFP Social Media (please specify platform below)
IAFP E-mail
IVAC Website
IVAC Newsletter
ICAAP Social Media or E-mail (please specify below)
ECHO Social Media or E-mail (please specify below)
Referral from a friend, colleague or organization you belong to
Promotion on social media
Healthcare NOW Radio
Other - Please specify below
Please specify "other" or social media platform. Twitter, FB, Insta, LinkedIn, etc.
If you have additional comments or would like to be contacted to provide additional feedback, please enter your comments or your contact information.