1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. Station (3-letter city code):

Question Title

* 2. Please enter Station Manager contact information:

Question Title

* 3. Who is responsible for conducting De/Anti-icing operations at your station?

Question Title

* 4. Deicing/Anti-Icing training is accomplished by:

Question Title

* 5. Contact information for Manager or primary coordinator of organization providing de/anti-icing services:

Question Title

* 6. Where and how are your training records stored?

In certain situations it may be necessary in for a back-up vendor to be utilized, such as when
deicing equipment is out of service.  Back-up vendor personnel at stations that have not been
trained on Endeavor Air (Delta Connection) procedures may perform deicing/anti-icing services
in emergency situations. However, in order for this to occur an authorized person who has been
trained in Endeavor Air (Delta Connection) procedures must provide direct supervision of the
back-up vendor's de/anti-ice activities.  The person supervising this operation must ensure
de/anti-icing activities are performed in accordance with the Endeavor Deice manual, and
are appropriately documented and communicated to the flight crew.

NOTE: This exception may only be applied when utilizing a back-up vendor who has already been
trained in accordance with another certificated FAR Part-121 or -135 Air Carrier program.

Question Title

* 7. If there is a back-up vendor on your airport property who can provide de/anti-icing services, please enter their information here:

Question Title

* 8. If a back-up vendor is available, De/Anti-icing training for that organization is accomplished by:

Question Title

* 9. Are all applicable De/Anti-icing activities recorded using the approved Delta/Delta Connection Forms
(System De/Anti-ice Worksheet, Refractometer-Harness-Lanyard Inspection Worksheet, Delta Fluid Acceptance)?

Question Title

* 10. Where will de/anti-icing activities of Endeavor flights take place at your airport?  (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. Identify the name of Deice area locations (gate and gate number, remote pad and pad name, etc.) that Endeavor flights may use at your airport:

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate the type(s) of communication that will be used during deicing / anti icing:

Question Title

* 13. What is your station Operations frequency?

Question Title

* 14. What are the deicing frequencies at your station?

Question Title

* 15. De/anti-icing is permitted when...  (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 16. What types of deice and anti-ice fluids are available for use by the Primary company and any back-up vendor(s)?

  Primary de/anti-ice company Back-up vendor

Question Title

* 17. List the manufacturer and/or product name of the Type-I and Type-IV fluid(s) in your station:

Question Title

* 18. In accordance with Delta / Delta Connection policy, an Engine Inlet Inspection MUST be completed prior to engine start utilizing a ladder or platform that affords eye-level access to inlet and fan blades:
- Anytime an aircraft has been idle overnight or during the day of an event that could have created ice on the engine inlet.
- Anytime there are conditions that could create or lead to a reasonable suspicion of ice in the engine inlet.
- Anytime if requested by the crew.

This location will accomplish inlet inspections prior to engine start utilizing:

Question Title

* 19. What is the approximate time from the de/anti-icing location(s) to the end of the runway(s)?

Question Title

* 20. Is there an area that will allow for ground personnel to complete a tactile inspection of the aircraft wing within 5-minutes of take-off when local conditions warrant?

Question Title

* 21. Is Ground Power (either from a mobile GPU or from a jetbridge-mounted unit if aircraft is deiced at the gate) available during de/anti-icing operations?

Question Title

* 22. What was the date of the last GPU head inspection (inspection for exposed metal and wires which may cause arching), including those on Jetbridge-mounted units?


Question Title

* 23. Is pre-conditioned air (heat) available for all aircraft scheduled to be on the ground at the same time (both RONs and active turns)?

Question Title

* 24. What is the maximum number of aircraft that can have heat supplied by jetbridge-mounted or mobile carts at the same time?

CAUTION:  APU use for overnight heating on Endeavor aircraft is permitted only through prior arrangement, and to be monitored by trained individuals.  Contact <groundoperations@endeavorair.com> for additional information.

REMINDER:  On Endeavor aircraft, the aft cargo bin door is the only approved door to be left open to prevent pressurization of the aircraft when pre-conditioned air is applied and the main cabin door is closed.

Question Title

* 25. Is potable water drained on each RON aircraft, and available to be re-filled prior to each First Flight in the morning?

Question Title

* 26. Is lavatory service completed all flights including both turns and RONs?

Question Title

* 27. Per Delta CSM 40.10.10 and 50.10.40, glycol is to be added to lavatory service fluid (commonly referred to as "blue juice") during winter months to prevent it from freezing.  Please confirm that this is being done at your station:

Question Title

* 28. Is hangar space available on-field to protect Endeavor aircraft from severe cold or heavy icing events?