In certain situations it may be necessary in for a back-up vendor to be utilized, such as when
deicing equipment is out of service. Back-up vendor personnel at stations that have not been
trained on Endeavor Air (Delta Connection) procedures may perform deicing/anti-icing services
in emergency situations. However, in order for this to occur an authorized person who has been
trained in Endeavor Air (Delta Connection) procedures must provide direct supervision of the
back-up vendor's de/anti-ice activities. The person supervising this operation must ensure
de/anti-icing activities are performed in accordance with the Endeavor Deice manual, and
are appropriately documented and communicated to the flight crew.
NOTE: This exception may only be applied when utilizing a back-up vendor who has already been
trained in accordance with another certificated FAR Part-121 or -135 Air Carrier program.