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This survey provides the opportunity for employees to share their views and feedback on the implications of the changes to the DIFC Employment Law, in relation to End of Service Gratuity (“EoSG”), that were enacted in 2020, as well as the key features of the DEWS Plan.

 As a reminder, the key change to the Employment Law in the DIFC in 2020 meant that your employer needed to move away from setting money aside for your end of service benefits, and instead move to paying these on an ongoing basis into a regulated and professionally-managed plan. DEWS was your employers chosen plan.
This made it easier for employers to fulfil their liabilities on an ongoing basis, and also provided employees with visibility and control over their end of service benefits through their DEWS account

 DEWS doesn’t stand still. Your responses will assist us, as we focus on new developments, to ensure we continue to deliver what employees need and want from their workplace savings plan. As a participant your responses will remain anonymous and strictly confidential; they will only be used for statistical purposes and will be reported only in aggregated form.
The questions and available answers within this survey should not be considered to imply or constitute financial advice.
If you choose to participate, please note that we will handle any information received in line with our Data Protection and Privacy standards (for more details please refer to our Data Privacy policy).

Question Title

* 1. How satisfied are you with the changes made to the DIFC Employment Law in 2020, with regard to End of Service Gratuity (namely, the phase out of gratuity and the introduction of a savings plan (DEWS) in its place)?

Question Title

* 2. How do you feel the changes have impacted the following:

  Very positively Positively No impact Negatively Very negatively
Transparency in relation to your EoSG
Protection for your EoSG
Control over your EoSG
Access to your EoSG
Your long-term financial planning goals

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied are you overall with each of the key features of the DEWS plan, as follows:

  Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Investment options and performance
Ability to nominate beneficiaries
Ability to make additional voluntary contributions via salary deduction
Ability to transfer in the EoSG that your employer accrued for you before DEWS was introduced
Online employee portal
DEWS app
DEWS NEWS and any other literature provided to you

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* 4. Which of the following statements would you agree with most when considering the investment options available within DEWS?

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* 5. If you answered ‘There are not enough options’ to question 4, what additional investment options would interest you most? Though we cannot guarantee your suggestions will be introduced, your response will feed into the decisions relating to future investment options under DEWS.

Question Title

* 6. If you would like to share any additional comments or context in respect of your answers, please do so here:

Thank you for your participation! Please click 'Done' to submit your responses.
Zurich Workplace Solutions (Middle East) Limited is incorporated in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) under license number 3595 and is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) for acting as an administrator of an Employee Money Purchase Scheme.
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