Emerging Leaders in Governance Program

Thank you for your interest in the 2020 Emerging Leaders in Governance Program.

Please ensure you have read the Program Prospectus here before completing this application.

To ensure that we have all the information we need to assess your application, it is important that you complete all sections of the application form. The application process is open from the 7 November to 22 November 2019.

We aim to notify all applicants of the outcome in mid December 2019. All information provided as part of the application process will be kept confidential.

We recommend you keeping a copy of your application offline just in case something happens and this application fails to submit online.  You won't receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting this application but an email will be sent on the 25 November confirming all applications received.  If you have any concerns, please email Alicia on alicia@alyceum.com.au.

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* 1. Please complete the contact details:

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* 2. Further Demographics:
This information is utilised for reporting purposes and to ensure we have a diverse range of participants in the program.

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* 3. What position are you applying for?

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* 4. If you are applying for a scholarship, please tell us about your financial situation and the need for financial assistance. (200 word limit)

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* 5. If you are applying for a scholarship and are successful, please tell us how participation in the leadership program will benefit yourself, your organisation and enhance your capacity to take on a board or committee position with an aged care or community services organisation. (200 word limit)

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* 6. How did you hear about this program? Please let us know if a particular person recommended the program to you.

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* 7. Please share a biography of up to 150 words (written in third person) about your professional career, volunteering experience and interest in the Not-For-Profit sector.

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* 8. Please add the URL of your LinkedIn profile.

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* 9. The program schedule includes weekly evening workshops from the 5 February to the 20 May 2020 including a weekend retreat from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon (28 February - 1 March 2020) and Saturday sessions on the 15 February and 17 April. It is compulsory for you to attend all sessions of the program.

Please check these dates in your diary, are you able to commit to attend all the sessions to complete this program? (Please consider this carefully)

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* 10. The success of our program relies on your commitment.  Is there anything that you would like to share that may prevent you from fully engaging in the program?

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* 11. Why would you like to participate in the Emerging Leaders in Governance Program? (200 word limit)

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* 12. Provide one example of a major achievement or project you have accomplished in your workplace or community? (200 word limit)

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* 13. Why is it important to you to sit on a not for profit board? (200 word limit)

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* 14. Please let us know if you have previously or currently sit on a board or committee and if so, which one/s.

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* 15. What steps have you previously taken to demonstrate your aspirations to improve your skills and knowledge as a Director on a Board or committee? (200 word limit)

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* 16. If you had the opportunity, when would you likely take on a Board position?

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* 17. Tell us about a key strength and also a weakness that you possess? (200 word limit)

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* 18. Please provide details of any volunteering you have undertaken in the last 5 years? (200 words limit)

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* 19. Why should you be chosen to participate in this program? (200 word limit)

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* 20. Please provide the name and contact details of one referee from your experience in community organisations or who supports your involvement in this program. (Please include their name, relationship to the applicant, phone number and email address).