Exit Elbow to Elbow Experience Evaluation Survey 1. Question Title * 1. Please provide your contact information Name Preferred email address Mobile phone number Question Title * 2. Who was your facilitator? one Question Title * 3. Please rate your overall Elbow to Elbow experience on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 highest) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Question Title * 4. Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 highest) 1 2 3 4 5 Elbow to Elbow curriculum Elbow to Elbow curriculum 1 Elbow to Elbow curriculum 2 Elbow to Elbow curriculum 3 Elbow to Elbow curriculum 4 Elbow to Elbow curriculum 5 Outside reading Outside reading 1 Outside reading 2 Outside reading 3 Outside reading 4 Outside reading 5 Your experience memorizing verses Your experience memorizing verses 1 Your experience memorizing verses 2 Your experience memorizing verses 3 Your experience memorizing verses 4 Your experience memorizing verses 5 Your experience in group meetings Your experience in group meetings 1 Your experience in group meetings 2 Your experience in group meetings 3 Your experience in group meetings 4 Your experience in group meetings 5 Question Title * 5. Based on your experience, how important is each of the following components in making an Elbow to Elbow group successful? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 highest). 1 2 3 4 5 The facilitator's role in the group The facilitator's role in the group 1 The facilitator's role in the group 2 The facilitator's role in the group 3 The facilitator's role in the group 4 The facilitator's role in the group 5 The curriculum workbook The curriculum workbook 1 The curriculum workbook 2 The curriculum workbook 3 The curriculum workbook 4 The curriculum workbook 5 The weekly group meeting experience The weekly group meeting experience 1 The weekly group meeting experience 2 The weekly group meeting experience 3 The weekly group meeting experience 4 The weekly group meeting experience 5 The friendships with other group members that result The friendships with other group members that result 1 The friendships with other group members that result 2 The friendships with other group members that result 3 The friendships with other group members that result 4 The friendships with other group members that result 5 The quality and content of the modules The quality and content of the modules 1 The quality and content of the modules 2 The quality and content of the modules 3 The quality and content of the modules 4 The quality and content of the modules 5 Scripture memory Scripture memory 1 Scripture memory 2 Scripture memory 3 Scripture memory 4 Scripture memory 5 Next