UNECE’s Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) started rolling out a four-year (2021-2024) capacity-building project “Accelerating the transition towards a circular economy in the UNECE region”, with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as an additional implementing partner.  More information on the project is available here.

Please assist us to identify priority areas of support for your country and key stakeholders, by filling the attached questionnaire. Considering the broad range of issue areas covered in the questionnaire, please feel free to respond by focusing on those questions that are most relevant to your organization. 

Should you have any questions of comments, please contact us at ece-trade4circularity@un.org

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* 1. Personal information

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* 2. How do you define circular economy?

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* 3. Is the transition to circular economy among the policy priorities for your country (e.g. as part of “building back better” post COVID-19)?

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* 4. What topics are most interesting for your country to accelerate transition towards a circular economy?

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* 5. Please rate the below topics by relevance

  1 (irrelevant) 2 3 4 5 (very relevant)
Improving the transparency and traceability of value chains
Facilitating innovation, including through sustainable- and innovation‐enhancing procurement
Fostering sustainable waste management and reduction (incl. e.g. reducing food waste and loss)

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* 6. What is needed to improve the transparency and traceability of value chains in your country?

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* 7. What is needed to facilitate innovation, including through sustainable and innovation‐enhancing procurement in your country?

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* 8. What is needed to foster sustainable waste management in your country?

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* 9. What would you like to learn to facilitate knowledge transfer on circular economy?

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* 10. Please name at least three think tanks or academic institutions working on circular economy in your country

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* 11. Additional comments

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100% of survey complete.