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Tell us about your experience in the environmental and sustainability sector. Environment Analyst's Early Career Advisory Board is running this survey to investigate the reasons people join the environment and sustainability sector and what is important to them in their careers. The survey is aimed at early career professionals who have worked in the sector for up to approximately 5-6 years. This information will help Environment Analyst's Sustainability Delivery Group, a forum of business leaders seeking to add value to the environmental and sustainability consulting sector, to improve retention and recruitment initiatives. Your answers will be completely anonymous.

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* 1. To be entered into the prize draw for an Amazon Voucher please enter your email below. Your responses will still be treated anonymously.

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* 2. Is your company exclusively environmental/sustainability focused, or is it part of a larger enterprise?

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* 3. What it is the size of the company (by number of FTE employees) in the UK?

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* 5. What type of secondary school did you attend? (select all that apply)

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* 6. Are you the first generation to go to University?

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* 8. Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

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* 9. Do you consider yourself to be neurodiverse?

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* 10. In your experience, how supportive and accommodating is your job? (Only answer this if you answered 'Yes' to Q8)

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* 12. Please state subject(s) of highest level of qualification

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* 13. What is your chartership status?

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* 14. If applicable, with which organisation?

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* 15. How many years have you been working in your current profession?

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* 17. Have you completed any of the following in the sector?

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* 18. Which disciplines relate to your current profession?

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* 19. Have you worked in any other sectors outside of environmental & sustainability consulting?

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* 20. At what stage did you become aware of the Environmental/Sustainability Consultancy sector?

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* 21. Why were you interested in working in the environmental & sustainability consulting sector?

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* 22. How did you find out about environmental & sustainability consulting?

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* 23. How likely are you to recommend others to join your current company? (1 being not likely at all, 10 being very likely)

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* 24. Rank these factors in terms of contribution to job satisfaction

  1. Salary 
  2. Flexible working
  3. Benefits 
  4. Working environment
  5. Sociable team 
  6. Clear progression
  7. Colleagues 
  8. Holiday allowance
  9. Location 
  10. Sense of job purpose
  11. Sustainability focused company
  12. Feedback 
  13. Company values 
  14. Job security
  15. ED&I initiatives
  16. Enjoyable project work

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* 25. How likely are you to remain with your current company for the next 5 years? (1 being not likely at all, 10 being very likely)

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* 26. How would you rate your current level of job satisfaction? (1 being not satisfactory at all, 10 being very satisfactory)

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* 27. What support or training do you need or require from the company you work for to support your career development?

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* 28. If you were to leave, what would be your reason for doing so?

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* 29. How important is it that the company you work for is actively taking steps to combat climate change and have a positive lasting environmental impact? (1 being not important at all, 10 being very important)

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* 30. What wider sustainability company initiatives are important to you?

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* 31. What is your contracted workplace model?

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* 32. What contract model do you think is most beneficial for you at this stage in your career?

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