Welcome to the E2i survey

(E2i) is an EU Horizon Europe project that is exploring approaches and processes that foster increased implementation of Research and Innovation (R&I) outputs. E2i aims to enable increased and more effective engagement with end-users and relevant stakeholders, and improve the design, adoption and impact of security solutions.
About this survey
This survey will ask questions about your experience in delivering security research and innovation projects.
  • Please answer the questions based on your own knowledge or experience
  • Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous — you will not be personally identifiable from any of your answers
  • Completing the survey should take between 15–20 minutes of your time, depending on your responses.
If you wish to withdraw your survey after you have completed it, or you have any questions, please email survey@engage2innovate.eu

The survey is divided into six sections. A progress bar at the bottom of each page indicates your current position as you move through the survey.

You can leave the survey at any time by simply clicking the "Exit survey" link, at the top right of the screen. All your answers will be saved.
By clicking the 'Next' button, below, you confirm that you are aged 18 years or older and voluntarily agree to take part in this research survey.

— If you do not wish to take part in this survey, please simply close this window.
8% of survey complete.