Hello! Thanks for taking the time to fill out our survey about Drupal. We are going to use the responses from this survey to create a big series of blogs on Drupal 9 and all things Drupal-related, so we really appreciate your expert insight. For any question below that mentions a specific feature of Drupal 9, feel free to list a Drupal 8 feature that is carrying over to Drupal 9 if you don't have a Drupal 9-specific feature in mind—just please be sure to note that in your answer. 

We'll be in touch if we have any questions. Thanks again for your thoughts!

Gaby & Charlie

Question Title

* 1. OPTIONAL: What is your name? [will only be used for follow-up]

Question Title

* 2. How long have you been at Taoti?

Question Title

* 3. How long have you been a developer?

Question Title

* 4. How long have you been a Drupal developer?