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* 1. Please Enter your Zip Code: 

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* 2. How many years have you held a driver's license?

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* 3. Have you personally known someone who has been killed in a vehicle crash?

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* 4. What percentage of the time do you wear a seatbelt?

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Why do you wear/not wear a seatbelt?

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* 6. How many traffic tickets (moving violation) have you received?

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* 7. As a driver, how many crashes have you been involved in?

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* 8. How long after obtaining your license did each crash occur?

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* 9. Please describe what you learned from each crash and/or how you could have prevented it?

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* 10. Do you text while driving?

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* 11. In your opinion, do you believe Driver's Ed. is providing adequate training for teen drivers today?

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* 12. Do you believe the license renewal process should be more than a vision and rules of the road test?

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* 13. What frequency do you insist on passengers in your car wearing their seat belt?

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* 14. Please rate the following driver behavior in terms of risk. Use 1 for the item that YOU feel is the most dangerous and 4 for the least.

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* 15. Are you interested in participating in additional surveys or interviews for our research?

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* 16. If yes, Please provide your name and select your prefered method of communication: