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* 1. Name of business

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* 3. Number of employees

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* 4. Turnover

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* 5. Does your business or its customers/stakeholders use city hotels or other accommodation providers?

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* 6. If yes, for what reasons?

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* 7. Are you able to find suitable accommodation in Plymouth?

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* 8. How frequently does your business use city hotels?

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* 9. When are you most likely to use hotels?

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* 10. If you are booking bedrooms, how many rooms do you book a year?

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* 11. If you are booking meeting rooms or conference facilities, how many bookings do you make a year?

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* 12. What challenges do you have in booking hotel facilities for your business?

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* 13. If you are using accommodation in the city, what type do you prefer to use:

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* 14. Do you use an agent/intermediary for hotel business needs?

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* 15. Would you consider that there are particular gaps in the current hotel supply that you would like to see filled?