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The Downtown Minneapolis Neighborhood Association (DMNA) Board of Directors recently approved financial contributions to two organizations: $44,000 to Working Partnerships for the ongoing support of the Twin Cities Hospitality Relief Program; and $60,000 to the Minneapolis Downtown Council - Downtown Improvement District for the new Social Worker component of the 2021 Downtown Safety Plan

In order to move forward with the contracting process, the City requires us to solicit support from our community members.  

Both Working Partnerships and the Minneapolis Downtown Council have been tremendous partners and collaborators with the DMNA.  They allow us to provide programming that we do not have the capacity to implement on our own. 

Please take a few moments to complete this survey to indicate your support for these two programs.  Anyone who lives, works, or owns property in the Downtown East and Downtown West neighborhoods can participate in this survey.

Question Title

* 1. I support the DMNA's contribution to Working Partnerships for the Twin Cities Hospitality Worker Relief Program. 

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* 2. I support the DMNA's contribution to the Minneapolis Downtown Council - Downtown Improvement District for the new Social Worker component of the 2021 Downtown Safety Plan.

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* 3. Name

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* 4. Residential Building or Business Name

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* 5. If you have benefited from one of these programs or want to express your support with written feedback, please use the text box below.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our request for feedback.
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