DFSI GovConnect Question Title * 1. What year were you ‘onboarded’ to GovConnect? OK Question Title * 2. How many tickets have you raised with GovConnect since onboarding? OK Question Title * 3. How many of those tickets have been noted by GovConnect to be resolved? OK Question Title * 4. How many of those tickets have actually been resolved? OK Question Title * 5. Have you received responses to raising your tickets? OK Question Title * 6. How long does the average response take between raising a ticket and getting a resolution? OK Question Title * 7. Have you ever decided NOT to raise a ticket due to issues not being resolved in the past? OK Question Title * 8. How do you access GovConnect? OK Question Title * 9. Can you access GovConnect on a work device if you are working remotely to the office? How does this impact on your work? OK Question Title * 10. Can you describe how GovConnect ‘outages’ have impact on your provision of services to the public? OK Question Title * 11. If GovConnect has had a detrimental impact on the way you work, causing interruption/failure to systems of work, please provide detail of this impact? (free text) OK Question Title * 12. Do you have any other comments/questions/concerns on how GovConnect has failed you as either a staff member personally (e.g. leave or pay issue), a staff member who cannot do their work, or impact on the public? OK DONE