Des Sources Wind Project - Community Survey Question Title * 1. Name First Last Question Title * 2. Mailing Address Question Title * 3. Email Address Question Title * 4. Which topics related to the Des Sources Wind Project are you interested in learning more about? Project details (e.g layout, generation technology selection, construction schedule) Construction activities Community and municipal consultation activities Community benefits and financial support programs Environmental studies, survey, permits, and approvals Environmental stewardship during operations Reclamation and remediation at end of project life Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Do you support wind energy development in your community? Yes No Not sure Question Title * 6. Are you familiar with the benefits of wind energy? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not so familiar Question Title * 7. What is the best way to provide a two-way dialogue and ensure that feedback from the local community is heard and incorporated into project plans? Newsletters Website updates In-person community meetings with Q&A sessions Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Do you have any other questions, comments or concerns about the Des Sources Wind Project? Question Title * 9. Would you like someone from BluEarth or Plan A Capital to contact you directly regarding any responses to this survey? Yes No Question Title * 10. Would you like someone from BluEarth or Plan A Capital to contact you about participating as a Landowner and signing an Option Agreement: No Yes. Please specify lot # or location: Question Title * 11. Collection of information I consent to the collection of my personal information (i.e. name, mailing address, email address) which I have provided on this comment form, which I acknowledge may be released to a government entity requesting such personal information if required by law. I understand that BluEarth Renewables Inc. will not sell my personal information nor use it other than to communicate with me (e.g., to respond to my comments/ questions and maintain a mailing list) and that I can request to be removed from the mailing list at any time. Done