The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service.
The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service. Strongly Agree
The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service. Agree
The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service. Neither Agree or Disagree
The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service. Disagree
The reception desk staff provided excellent customer service. Strongly Disagree
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information.
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information. Strongly Agree
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information. Agree
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information. Neither Agree or Disagree
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information. Disagree
The department I visited today gave me clear and helpful information. Strongly Disagree
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan.
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan. Strongly Agree
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan. Agree
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan. Neither Agree or Disagree
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan. Disagree
The department I visited today was knowledgeable and discussed my personalized treatment plan. Strongly Disagree
I was included in decisions about my treatment?
I was included in decisions about my treatment? Strongly Agree
I was included in decisions about my treatment? Agree
I was included in decisions about my treatment? Neither Agree or Disagree
I was included in decisions about my treatment? Disagree
I was included in decisions about my treatment? Strongly Disagree
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider.
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider. Strongly Agree
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider. Agree
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider. Neither Agree or Disagree
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider. Disagree
I feel more able to manage my health as a result of talking with my provider. Strongly Disagree
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs.
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs. Strongly Agree
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs. Agree
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs. Neither Agree or Disagree
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs. Disagree
Overall, the care I receive at the Dena’ina Wellness Center meets my needs. Strongly Disagree