We want your input! Please take a few minutes to fill out our Della Park playground!
1.Do you currently use Della Park? If so, for what activities? Check all that apply.
2.What age groups are currently in your household? Check all that apply.
3.Please pick your 3 favorite new amenities and updates to Della Park. See images below.
4.Which game area element do you like the most? Pick your top 2.
5.Which picnic shelter do you prefer?
6.Which playground swing option do you prefer?
7.Which slide option do  you like best?
8.Which playground climber option do you like most?
9.Which playground spinner option do you like most?
10.Which playground sway/motion option do you like most?
11.Which playground play panel option do you like most?
12.Which color palette do you prefer at the playground?
13.Is access across the Kishwaukee River via a bridge beneficial to you?
14.Would you like to see a recreational feature or access to the Kishwaukee River? (fishing etc)
15.Any other thoughts you would like to share with the Crystal Lake Park District?